I am unable to log in (university account).

MARAST primarily uses faculty OAuth 2.0 infrastructure for user authentication. The user is therefore required to be in possession of a university account (CTU password). Alternatively, you can set up a local password on your profile page.

Clicking on Log in button on the landing page you will be redirected to the faculty authentication server where you have to fill in your user name and password (the one you use in KOS). At this moment it is also possible to choose whether to use Shibboleth next time.

In case of problems try logging in from a private browser window, or removing cookies with the domain auth.fit.cvut.cz. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to report your problem by creating a ticket.

I am unable to log in (Google account).

It is possible to log in using your Google account. Access to MARAST courses is then limited. If you are unable to log in please check meaningfulness of your Google account details (like name and surname).